
Files encrypted by CTB Locker

Hi Some time ago, my Photoshop image files and convert them all to certain extensions that I can not even open them and I think they have ...

CTB Locker and Critroni Ransomware Information Guide and FAQ

CTB Locker (Curve-Tor-Bitcoin Locker), otherwise known as Critroni, is a file-encrypting ransomware infection that was released in the middle of July 2014 ...

All Files got encrypted by CTB-Locker

Hi, All my files got encrypted by CTB-Locker and I have removed the virus but the files are still encrypted with an extension like “Filename ...

All About CTB Locker Ransomware

CTB Locker is one of the developments of CryptoLocker, the ransomware trojan that spreads mainly through spam and e-mail attachments.

Polyglot - the fake CTB-locker

Cryptor malware programs currently pose a very real cybersecurity threat to users and companies. Clearly, organizing effective security ...

Norton and Cryptolocker threats

Can Norton decrypt my files? The files encrypted by Cryptolocker will remain encrypted. Norton products do not decrypt files that have been ...

What is CTB-Locker Ransomware and How Does it Work?

... decrypt them (encrypted documents receive the .ctbl files extension). Cybercriminals responsible for releasing CTB-Locker ensure that it ...

CTB-Locker | F

CTB-Locker is ransomware that encrypts files on the affected machine and demands payment in return for the decryption key needed to restore access to the files.

How to decrypt files encrypted by PolyglotMarsJoke ransomware

Every day, new versions and variations of ransomware pop up. Malware creators are still sure that ransomware is their ticket to easy street, ...

CTB-Locker Ransomware

CTB-Locker (or Critoni.A) is a ransomware that encrypts files using elliptic curve cryptography. Learn more about this ransomware and removal tips here.


HiSometimeago,myPhotoshopimagefilesandconvertthemalltocertainextensionsthatIcannotevenopenthemandIthinktheyhave ...,CTBLocker(Curve-Tor-BitcoinLocker),otherwiseknownasCritroni,isafile-encryptingransomwareinfectionthatwasreleasedinthemiddleofJuly2014 ...,Hi,AllmyfilesgotencryptedbyCTB-LockerandIhaveremovedthevirusbutthefilesarestillencryptedwithanextensionlike“Filename ...,CTBLockerisoneofthede...